Lilliput and Real world connection
In Lilliput, the Lilliputians based their government and laws upon good morals. They saw honesty, trust, loyalty, and gratitude as the most important values of their civilization. At least that is what they enforced. People who lied, or were ungracious were punished by death. This occurred frequently, and court cases were based less upon the crime committed, but actually were based upon the morals and values that a citizen held up or broke. An example was provided where a man was falsely accused, and so for his inconvenience and honesty he was paid for his time. The accuser, on the other hand, was put to death because of his dishonesty.
Although the Lilliputians were so keen upon these values and morals, it became clear that jealousy, disloyalty, and dishonesty ran rampant throughout the empire. It showed hypocrisy. This was shown when Gulliver was given the title of Nardac, something that really is just a name. The treasurer and admiral became jealous and threatened by his high status. Going straight against their own values, they plotted to betray and overthrow Gulliver. Going further into this hypocrisy, the Lilliputian people quarreled over small insignificant things like who wore what shoes, and which side of an egg is the right side to crack. Such minute details caused wars, and showed how the Lilliputian people didn't act as morally correct as they claimed to.
Similarly, in today's world people exemplify this hypocrisy all the time. Swift exaggerates this hypocrisy through wars over how people eat, but if you look into society today, you begin to see things like this all the time. Everybody in today's world wants to be seen as the good guy. People today claim to hold up values similar to Lilliput. Honesty, kindness, sincerity, loyalty, and selflessness are things that everybody in today's world would love to be recognized as, but in reality, human nature causes this to be far from reality. This is very clear in social media. An "influencer", who tries to promote their page will put on an appearance of being good. They might record a good deed such as giving something to a homeless person. In reality, it's just a facade. They record their good deeds, and reap the benefits while they hide their true human nature from the public.
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